Shawna Wells Energy

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The 12 Universal Laws

I want to lay down some foundational framework here, before diving into other inspiring topics of all things Energy. So before we can scale down to the micro level, first we must look at the macro.

We've all heard of the law of attraction—but what about the law of polarity, the law of divine oneness, or the law of correspondence? That's right—the law of attraction is just one of the 12 universal laws, and getting familiar with the other 11 can help us unlock a more energetically aligned life.

What are the 12 universal laws, and where do they come from?

The 12 universal laws are thought to be intrinsic, unchanging laws of our universe that ancient cultures have always intuitively known. The laws are often associated with Ho'oponopono, a meditation for freedom originating in ancient Hawaiian culture. Some of the laws, however, are also attributed to hermetic philosophy going back to ancient Egypt.

The list of ancient laws have withstood the test of time as I, and plenty of others around the world still work with them today. All of the laws are about mastering your life with love, peace and joy.
Here's an introduction to the themes and underpinnings of each that I’ve gathered and put together:

1. The Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Divine Oneness is THE foundational law. It’s the foundation of which all the other laws build upon, according to which absolutely everything in our universe is interconnected. In other words, every choice, word, desire, and belief you have will also have an impact on the world, and on the people in your life.

This means that everything we do has a ripple effect and impacts the collective—not just ourselves. To call upon this principle for self-improvement, simply remember that your actions both matter and make a difference.

Sometimes this impact will be immediate and obvious. At other times, it may take a while to manifest, or you may never even discover that it has occurred. Try to think of yourself as part of everything around you to live in accordance with this law. We are all one, and awareness of this makes us more powerful as well as more empathetic.
This law states that we are all connected through creation. Every single atom inside of you is connected in some way, shape, or form to the rest of the universe you move through.

2. Law of Vibration

According to the Law of Vibration, everything in the universe has a frequency and a vibration.
At a microscopic level, everything is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency. This applies to matter, but also one's personal frequency as well. This law says that our vibrational frequency can inform our lived experience.
Nothing ever stands still, as everything is always either being pushed away or pulled toward something.

High energy particles are naturally attuned to other high energy particles, and the same is true for those that have low energy. Furthermore, items of a similar vibration are attracted to each other. So, to use this law to manifest your desires, you must match your vibration with that of what you want.
If you want a higher outcome, it’s why there has been so much focus on “raising your vibration”

3. Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence is directly related to the foundational Law of Divine Oneness. This law states that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and on a personal level, our reality is a mirror of what's happening inside us at that moment. Think "As above, so below. As within, so without."

It's all happening for you, not to you.  If our life is chaotic and fearful, it's because there is chaos and fear within. If our life seems calm and grounded, it is because we feel peace within.

In any troubling situation, ask yourself what the situation can show you about yourself, and what requires healing within.
The premise behind the law of correspondence is that our lives are created by both the conscious and subconscious patterns we repeat every single day, and these patterns either serve us or hold us back. Activate this law by becoming aware of your own patterns, which are often passed down via society, family ties, and your own life experience and then consciously take action steps to break or change them.

4. Law of Resonance/Law of Attraction

This is the law of vibration in action. Many people get scared by the notion that bad thoughts or low vibrations can somehow destroy their life because they’re unaware. The law is not a punishment, but a very clear mirror of our self-worth and mind-set. You’re surrounded by the outcome of decisions you’ve made in the past and are fully capable of making other decisions and attracting a different set of circumstances.

The Law of Resonance is the Universal Law which determines the various vibratory patterns or frequencies that are determined and projected, based on various thoughts, beliefs and emotions.
As you likely already know, the Law of Attraction tells us that like attracts like. So, in order to have the things you desire in life, you have to work out how to vibrate on the same frequency as these things. The more general lesson here is that being positive, proactive and loving attracts more of the same into your life. Meanwhile, pessimism, fear, anxiety and lethargy will lead you to generate more negative experiences in all aspects of life.

By working to live more positively and authentically even just today, you're already using the Law of Attraction to create a better existence for yourself.

5. Law of Inspired Action

While the law of attraction is about vibrationally aligning yourself with whatever it is you want, the law of inspired action is about taking physical action in order to bring what you want into your experience of form.

Many people think that visualizing a goal and developing a positive attitude towards it will be enough to manifest what they want.

However, you also have to take inspired steps towards that thing in order to create it. Whether it's a big or small step, it instantly helps you to attract that relationship, job, or the increased abundance you seek.

6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that everything around us is in constant flux.
This means that even the smallest action can have a profound effect. Like the seed of a mighty tree holds all its promise in its tiny shell, you also have the power within you to move mountains.
You can't see all of these changes because many of them exist at the cellular or atomic level, but they carry on regardless in the unseen.

The reason that it's so important to be aware of this Law is that it helps you see how you can trigger positive change. Specifically, keep in mind that high vibrations can trigger improvements in low vibrations. For example, if you're vibrating at a low frequency, exposing yourself to the high frequency of a happy, encouraging friend will naturally trigger energy transmutation in you.

7. The Law of Cause and Effect

One of the most straightforward laws of the universe, the Law of Cause and Effect, also known as “Karma” tells us that all actions have an equal and opposite reaction. You will already know this, of course, when it comes to the physical aspects of the world. However, perhaps you haven't considered how this law might be applied to the spiritual or energetic aspects of our universe.

Your spiritual life can impact the world around you, causing positive or negative reactions. That whatever you put out—good or bad—you get right back.
Similarly, your physical environment can impact on your spirituality, whether for good or for ill. Ask yourself what types of relationships you see between the spiritual and the physical, and how you might want to change them.

8. The Law of Compensation

According to the Law of Compensation, you will receive what you put out. This is similar to the Law of Attraction, but with a focus on the idea that compensation can come in many forms.

The law of compensation is about reaping what you sow. It instills trust in us that we will be compensated for our work as long as we’re open to receiving in all the many ways that the universe can deliver.

To be clear, compensation in this sense isn’t limited to employment arrangements or financial compensation. Rather, it’s about receiving compensation for all your contributions to the world around you, including the love, joy, and kindness you spread; it is all rewarded.

This law reminds you to be mindful about how you treat others, and indeed the planet.

9. Law of Relativity

The Law of Relativity is all about the neutrality of things when looked at singularly. So, no particular person, experience, emotion or action is considered as good or bad until you look at it in comparison with something else.

Everything is a spectrum of expression, and there is more than one perspective on any situation or challenge. In other words, we are the ones who assign meaning to things, so we can choose to regard things as “bad” or as happening in our favour.

10. Law of Polarity

Everything has a polar opposite: If there’s an up, there’s a down. If there’s light, there’s dark. One cannot exist without the other and this is what makes it possible for us to experience and understand our lives. Experiencing these polarities is part of the human experience, and that they also help us learn from our mistakes and support us in identifying what we don’t want, so we can get clearer on what we do want.

11. Law of Rhythm

Sometimes called the Law of Perpetual Motion, the Law of Rhythm is focused on movement. In particular, it refers to the fact that all things come in cycles and are forever changing, our job is to embrace the ride.

If life is tough and challenging, know that it will change. If everything is peachy, then savor the moment, but don’t try to make it last beyond the natural order of things. Each stage of life has tremendous gifts to offer.

12. Law of Gender

Finally, the Law of Gender has very little to do with biological sex. The Law of Gender says that everything and everyone on this planet has both masculine and feminine energies, but they are displayed in different quantities.
It refers to the fact that there are two major types of energy within and around all of us. You can think of them as masculine and feminine, as or as yin and yang. We all contain a certain amount of both energies and must find a way to achieve a balance between both types if we are to live authentically and happily. Think about the role each type of energy appears to play in your life, and whether there is an excess or a deficit of either.