Shawna Wells Energy

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Energetic Tools & Tips

Being a highly sensitive person and connected to the non-physical world can be overwhelming.

Not only do you pick up the energy of other people, you also pick up the energy of places and things, including the energy of toxic spaces and non-physical visitors.

Most people who are clairsentient (another word sometimes used for empaths) tend to live with anxiety and depression and until they realize what's really going on - until they realize it's their sensitivity to energy that makes them anxious and depressed - anxiety attacks and other symptoms associated with 'mental illness' rule their lives.

There's good news though!

Mental health concerns caused by energy are not permanent and those who experience them are not doomed to a life of panic attacks and overwhelm. All it takes for empaths to feel safe and at peace is the intention to be so and a toolkit of energy clearing and protecting strategies.
I am not a medical doctor and am the first advocate to say if you have mental health or health concerns, check in with those professionals first and then follow it up with your alignment to this.

Below are a few of mine!

* Drink lots of water! The human body is made up of over 70% water. So water is THE most important thing for moving emotions through the body, it's important you keep it flowing so it doesn't sit in your body and cause problems.

* Along the lines of water, it’s an element many of us are drawn to so anytime you can immerse yourself in a river, lake or the ocean it can feel soul cleansing!
If those aren’t nearby or it’s winter like it is here on Vancouver Island currently, then baths are my wintertime go to. Add in some epsom sats and your favourite essential oils and allow your stresses to drift away as you sink into your bliss filled bathtub.

* Crystals
- Are a great way to cleanse and help manage energy in and around your spaces (work, home, bedroom ect) or you can even wear them on you as jewellery or keep small stones in your pockets.
Selenite is a go to cleansing stone every sensitive should have. I have them in all 4 corners of my house, a big tower on my bedside table and in the beginning I had a selenite necklace I never took off!
Stay away from anything quartz if you are already experiencing anxiety or overwhelm as quartz is a magnifier so you’ll end up feeling even more!
Stick to the calming and grounding/clearing stones: Selenite, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Tigers Eye, Any of the Agates or Obsidian.

* Remove clutter - clear out clutter wherever you can, even if it's just in your immediate living space or the space that's around you right now. As a sensitive person you feel the energies of everything, including clutter. If there is anything that might have a negative energy attached to it hanging out in your space, it's going to affect you. So clear out what you can!
Example: This is why I suggest those going through a breakup remove their ex's stuff, stuff has an energy and we can't move on and live in the energy we are trying to move on from at the same time.

* Grounding out in Nature Getting out in nature, whether it’s going for a walk, a hike up a mountain or into the forrest, finding a place to sit and read at the ocean and listen to the waves, or simply finding a place that feels good to you and just watching what wildlife nature wants to send across your path.

* Intentions or Affirmations - If you only knew and realized the power you have, you’d never doubt yourself again. But because we have Free Will, our Guides and team in the unseen can only support us if we ask and state it as so.
Anytime you work with Oracle cards or want to open yourself energetically, it’s important to set the intention that you are only open to those energies and that information that is of the highest light or of Source.
There are also many prayers of protection or examples you can find if you google intentions and affirmations.
BE CLEAR and state what you need and want.

* Essential Oils - Are a potent tool carrying a wide range of vibrations to support you with whatever is needed. Be sure to make sure you are sourcing 100% natural EO’s, I swear by Young Living and use my oils daily for both my horses and myself. On my skin with roll ons, to purify my home in my diffuser, as a room spray or topically with a carrier oil.

I could go on and on but let’s start with these and let me know below, what are some of your favourite energetic tools or tips to use to keep yourself feeling high vibe?